Friday, January 22, 2010

The Well-Read Mind....

It's a fact. I love books and reading. Always have. My mother raised me as such. Every Saturday, we would go to the library. And both of us, would always check out at least 3-4 books each. We were Library VIP's, on a first name basis. We had extended book renewal privileges unheard of! My mother also encouraged me to read every night before going to bed. And I guess one time I took this too far, for seriously, one night, because I chose to read until about 3am, she took my books away the next morning and banned me from reading that week. Banned me, people. I was like Cuba in my house. She said something about me not putting importance on sleep and being ready and alert for school the next day. Pfssshaw! *hehe, I type this and silently laugh to myself to see how I am still a night owl, always up late anyhow til 3am, doing something.....can't ban me now, mom! :)

Anyhow, this one is easy to figure out. I love books and reading. I love to-do lists. So naturally, I love book lists. I recently just joined a Facebook Jane Austen Book Club and there the admin of that list said she read somewhere that the average person reads at least 5 books a year. Last year, (yes, I actually kept track) I read 10 and so I want to up it this year. I am aiming for 21 this year, about 2 a month or about 3 weeks each. (Though I know me, I will be working on a number of books simultaneously....oops, mental reminder from my Intentional Living list: finish a project before starting another....ok ok..)

My 2010 Book List: (in no particular order...)

1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Raising Boys
3. Sense and Sensibility
4. Emma
5. A Life that says Welcome
6. The Mom I Want to Be
7. Life of PI
8. Sacred Marriage
9. Persuasion
10. The Kite Runner
11. Northanger Abbey
12. Practicing Hospitality
13. Slow & Steady Get me Ready
14. My Sister's keeper
15. Mansfield Park
16. The Jungle Book, the Second Jungle Book and Just so Stories
17. A common life
18. In this mountain
19. Light from heaven
20. Shephards Abiding
21. Heaven

What's on your reading list?


  1. I normally have at least 4 books going at a time. I don't know exactly why, but I do not enjoy reading novels. (it has to be super-duper good.) I read generally for knowledge and inspiration. I used to love reading mysteries when my kids were small. I wish I could get into a fiction book but I never seem to get past the 1st chapter. Anyway, some of my book list from todays library run are:
    Windows XP---The Missing Manuel
    Digital Memories Scrapbooking
    The Non-Designer's Web Book
    Quick, Delicious and Nutritious Healthy Meals

    Your list of books sound very interesting. :)
    Happy reading!

  2. Count me in on Monday! Love all the bloggy love out here... It's so fun... Welcome! I didn't realize you were a new blogger.

  3. Deborah,
    for the reading list...some great Christian fiction that I got into and really enjoyed is the Mitford series....starting with At Home in Mitford. Find them to be wholesome, funny and just a good read. Also, if you like that old small town country lifestyle, these are good. Go to

    And from the looks of it, you will have an amazing blog with all that reading!
    - Ellen


Thank you so much for sharing your heart!