Tuesday, October 11, 2011

31 Days Series: Belted. {Day 11}

I recently needed to buy my 2.5 year old son some fall clothes. It's sometimes difficult to find clothes for him because he is of the "long and skinny" type --- so he's in 3T pants but the waists are usually too big for him. Unless I want to pay an arm and one of those pants legs for a belt for him, I decided to learn how to make a belt for him.

I posted this in my 31 Days to Green Gables series because when thinking about late 19th century folk, it's not like they could just take a ride on their horse to the local Walmart. There were "stores" but they sold mostly "build upon" items like flour, sugar, seeds and fabric. Yes, there might have been some fashionable goods but for the most part, people either made their own clothing or went to the local seamstress.

Here's what the inside of a late 19th century general store could look like:

So, in the vein of "Green Gables", I decided to make my son some belts from leftover fabric. The only thing I had to buy were the D-rings (but I got them on sale for a $1 a piece). (And just a side note: I am not sure what these people at this time would have used for D-rings...maybe they would have visited their local blacksmith?) So using The Crafty Cupboard's Belt Tutorial, I made three belts for a grand total of $3! :)

Here are two of them. A blue and green plaid and a gold checkered silky "man's tie" inspired one.

Eliel was wearing the third one when I photographed. He's pointing at the casual green one.

I would have paid more in just the gas for our SUV to get to the Walmart! This craft was so worth it!

If you love this 31 Days to my Green Gables series, catch up on the previous posts!
Day 10: The Chosen Poem
Day 9: The Lady of Shalott
Day 8: The Island Hymn
Day 7: The Highway Man
Day 6: Interesting PEI facts
Day 5: Island Love
Day 4: Raspberry Cordial
Day 3: The Anne Mouth
Day 2: On Being Properly Educated
Day 1: The Gentle Island. The Inspiration.
Intro to the 31 Days Green Gables Series

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Blue Cricket Designs

Todays Creative Blog
Tip Junkie handmade projects
Let Birds Fly

1 comment:

Thank you so much for sharing your heart!