Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Books List Recap and how to get even smarter...

For this year, I aimed to read 25 books.
And so how did I do....?
I read 34 books ---- I am completely proud of my self! :)

1. Summer Sisters
2. Life After 40
3. The Pillars of the Earth
4. Ahab's Wife
5. The Girl with Pearl Earring
6. Big Fish
7. A Conversation with God
8. Bringing up Boys
9. The Map
10. Reggie
11. A Common Life
12. Prisoner of Tehran
13. Life of Pi
14. Four Spirits
15. Freakonomics
16. Made from Scratch
17. The Bucolic Plague
18. Better Off
19. Hattie Big Sky
20. In this Mountain
21. The Jungle Book
22. Clabbered Dirt, Sweet Grass
23. (The New) Dare to Discipline
24. Hannah Coulter
25. (The New) Strong Willed Child
26. Home Economics
27. Mortgage-Free
28. The Prince Edward Island Book of Everything
29. Eat, Pray, Love
30. Bannock, Beans and Black Tea
31. The Land of Painted Caves
32. Ascent into Darkness
33. Blue Like Jazz

And that brings me to my list for 2012.
This year, I'm going for 30.
*cue Rocky Music, please*

Granted, below you will see way more than 30 list is always growing! So the goal is to read at least 30 books from the list. And it's highly likely, I would add more as the year continues. :)

My mom would be proud.

1. The measure of a man
2. Say you're one of them
3. One hundred years of solitude
4. Middlesex
5. Cry the beloved country
6. The nature principle
7. Last child in the woods
8. East of eden
9. Home Comforts
10. I will write about this place someday
11. No biking in the house without a helmet
12. From good to great
13. Crazy love
14. Born to run
15. The Quarter-Acre Farm: How I Kept the Patio, Lost the Lawn, and Fed My Family for a Year
16. The Dirty Life
17. A Life that says Welcome
18. The Mom I Want to Be
19. Sacred Marriage
20. Persuasion
21. The Kite Runner
22. Northanger Abbey
23. Practicing Hospitality
24. Be Bodacious
25. Mansfield Park
26. The Second Jungle Book and Just so Stories
27. Light from heaven
28. The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture
29. Heaven
30. One Thousand Gifts
31. Sherlock in Love
32. Hot Apple Cider
33. Paradise Lost
34. Benjamin Franklin
35. Ten P's in a Pod : A Million-Mile Journal of the Arnold Pent Family
36. The No-Cry Discipline Solution: Gentle Ways to Encourage Good Behavior Without Whining, Tantrums, and Tears
37. Be Fruitful and Multiply
38. Amish Values for Your Family: What We Can Learn from the Simple Life
39. Micmac By Choice: Elsie Sark -- An Island Legend
40. Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
41. The Family
42. Damsels in Distress: Biblical Solutions for Problems Women Face
43. Two acre Eden
44. Shepherding a Child's Heart
45. The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical

Book Review: Ascent from Darkness

I recently received and read Ascent from Darkness by Michael Leehan. It's a personal account of a man who was a self-proclaimed soldier for Satan and how he was released from that by the power of God.

As a regular reader, it's an interesting read. Some of Leehan's experiences are vivid -- to the point of not being sure if I wanted to continue reading (especially seeing as how I usually read before bed lol).

As a Christian, I forced myself to continue reading because I think it's important for us to know (or hopefully, to remind) ourselves of the spiritual warfare that is constantly surrounding us and how subtle and sneaky evil is. The Bible talks about knowing your enemy and through this book, one is able to deconstruct the ploys of evil and know how he works and operates.

What just came to mind is the Scripture in Gen 50:20....
You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. Through Leehan's experience and situation and subsequent book, many people are helped.

I would definitely suggest this book, but really only for a mature Christian.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Jed: a most welcome blessing

If you are a follower of Shimmer and Tulle,
you are probably wondering where I am.

I am right here,
next to the warmest, most beautiful, new bundle of complete joy.

Introducing Jed...

Born October 27th, 2011 at 10:35pm. He weighed 8lbs 3 oz and was 23 inches long. (5 oz less and 2 inches more than his brother).

We were able to have a homebirth, with labour taking only 59 mins! (This was half the time from my first son, so the running joke --- or concern, I should say, is what will happen when we are on our 6th!).

Jed is now two months old and showing his good natured,
very smile-y personality :)

Big brother is quite happy too.